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door sensor inop

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I have had a x10 ps561 system for 5yrs now and have had problems with my front door sensor, i have two door sensors, one for the front and one for the rear slider door, and have had no problem with the rear slider in all those years, i also have 3 motion sensor two on 1st level and one on 2nd level all work fine but the front door sensor just stops working, i have replaced sensor 4 times plus replaced batteries will register and work for a day then panel will start blinking in that zone after that and i will have to redue everything again, i am using the ds10a sensors, should i try the newer one!

I suspect a RF range issue as you don't state how far each is from the PS561.
Since the sensor works with new batteries the extra power may be making the difference.
Have you tried the passive antenna trick on the front door sensor?
Since you have replaced this sensor 4 times now I don't expect a 5th to make any difference.
You might wish to look at the RF repeater (SR751) to boost the signal.
I had extremely good luck with that device boosting signals from the opposite side of the house which couldn't be seen from a transceiver in the same room as the problem device.

my door sensor is 20ft from the consule with no walls  and i have 2 motion sensors that are futher than the door sensor, one is 10ft futher with no walls the other is 15ft plus it on the 2nd floor with walls of the house and it works fine.

can you tell me how to do this passive antenna trick for the door sensor.


--- Quote from: ramhouse on January 01, 2016, 03:42:56 PM ---my door sensor is 20ft from the consule with no walls  and i have 2 motion sensors that are futher than the door sensor, one is 10ft futher with no walls the other is 15ft plus it on the 2nd floor with walls of the house and it works fine.

--- End quote ---
X10 RF devices are often poorly tuned so it may be that your balky sensor is marginal.

--- Quote ---can you tell me how to do this passive antenna trick for the door sensor.
--- End quote ---


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