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Author Topic: Instructables Automation Contest (ends October 16, 2017 /7:59am GMT)  (Read 5602 times)

HA Dave

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Automation involves taking everyday tasks and streamlining them by taking what would normally be done manually and making it automatic. Your goal for the Automation Contest is to do just that. Automate life in some way, big or small. As long as you are taking something that would normally be manual and transforming it to work with the age of automation, it fits.

The most awesome automation projects will win a fun kit from Pozyx including their Developer, Ready to Range, and Ready to Localize kits. There is also a special Judges’ prize for the Best Home Automation project. Whatever it is you want to make, it is time to take it and automate it.


Here we go! If you have share time on your hands.... and like winning free stuff. This is a great way to have fun and maybe promote our favorite flavor of HA products at the same time. Just thought I'd share. I haven't come up with anything myself.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2017, 10:13:03 AM by HA Dave »
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