So if you had 6 Itlead devices currently you'd need 2 remotes in order to control all 6 via RF?
I'm still waiting on delivery of a remote but I think you could only control 4
addresses no matter how many remotes.
Both the RXC6 RF module and the 4 button remote are off-the-shelf devices available from multiple vendors. The RXC6 appears to be programmable but I've not found any documentation. Some versions are able to learn codes from other remotes.
I have the Sonoff SV on order. I
think I can design a 310MHz X10 compatible RF receiver module for it using parts in my inventory (aside from a PCB) but am not sure that it will also fit the relay and light socket as it uses a comparatively large through-hole ceramic resonator. Since I have the parts on hand, there's no additional investment. I think a smaller SMD resonator is preferable given the limited space and that does require an investment but it, along with the RF receiver IC the RXC6 now uses, would reduce unit cost dramatically.
But, at this point, the lack of interest both here and on the Itead forums convinces me that we are flagellating a deceased equine.
After investigating the Electrodragon module, I'm certain that any further discussion of Itead's module is...