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Author Topic: is down and for sale - any replacement?  (Read 3266 times)


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« on: April 18, 2017, 12:12:32 AM »

Ido Bar-tana's Home Automation Knowledge Base (or is it Ido Bartana?  I've seen both spellings) has a for sale message up.  I tried finding it at but scrolling through every archived date shows no pictures were archived and a lot of the pages can't be interpreted without the pictures.  Does anyone know if it got moved elsewhere or anyone have any of it archived?

EDIT: I found the two pages I was looking for with images in an archive of an older domain name ( is also archived, but no images):

I know there were many other pages on that site so hopefully they're all available with images through at one of the three URLs:
« Last Edit: April 18, 2017, 03:37:22 PM by Dragon »

Brian H

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Re: is down and for sale - any replacement?
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2017, 06:02:42 AM »

That site has been gone for a long time now.
Glad you found a few tidbits of the files and shared the links.
Hopefully others may have more to add to your findings.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2017, 06:07:54 AM by Brian H »


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Re: is down and for sale - any replacement?
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2017, 03:48:15 PM » shows was up till at least 2012 and I saw people referring others to that site as late as 2015, maybe even 2016.  Maybe they didn't realize it was gone, but since nobody replied with a complaint it may have been up till 2015 at least.

I hope maybe an owner of one of the other X10 info sites will save copies of idobartana from  I've saved PDFs of some of the pages myself.

I found a copy of the TOC here:

Maybe the sticky thread at could be updated with that link?

Sonic Purity

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Re: is down and for sale - any replacement?
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2017, 08:02:15 PM »

For sure the following URL was working on 13 July 2016:

“Sorry, you are not allowed to post external links”, this site tells me.

Deep sigh. Alright, we’ll play the game. Go to my site below, and you’ll find the exact URL i tried to post here on my X-10 home page.

How do i know? I maintain the barely-useful World O’ X-10 sub-site at siber-sonic, which is in fact a dotcom, and i did an external link check that day. I remember having to do a whole lot of messing around to get it to work, but not exactly what i did. Things like SSL vs. standard http, with/without www, and maybe with/without the /idobartana/. The older link i had did not work, but i was eventually able to get it working and changed the references on my X-10 pages to what i found worked on that day. Seemed flaky, but i wasn’t up to archiving the site then (or now).

Very, very sad if it’s truly gone—it was a great resource which helped me often. I remember communicating with Mr. Bartana something like 15 years ago, when he wanted to add something from my site to his. I saved some of the content in various forms (Safari web archives, PDFs) on an as-i-needed-it-personally basis. Maybe if enough of us did that and pooled everything, we could get most of it back. I’m in neither a psychological nor economic position to host all that material on my site in the near-term (next year or several), but if things change and no one else steps up, i might consider it in the future.

Brian H

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Re: is down and for sale - any replacement?
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2017, 06:06:56 AM »

After you post a few more messages {I believe it is five} and the Newbie user level is removed. You will then be able to post links.
This is part of the spam reduction efforts.

There is some information here.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2017, 07:14:22 AM by Brian H »
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