Asking for suggestions will help improve your program.
And, although I've not been asked, I'll offer my $0.02 anyway. Needing a PC running 24/7 for scheduling is a foolish waste of electricity. Porting your program to RPi will greatly reduce energy requirements and offer options for control via WiFi. And, it obviates the need for the SDK. 
i agree with you, but It depends on the own situation.
for example. i have a minicomputer(very old) ran with win XP, feed with 30watts, in my country, it is 4 USD by month. if i bought a RPi, i can spend 200 USD(in my country). I supposed that the Rpi feed with 1-2watts.
well, 200/4 = 50 month or 4 years & 2 month. I dont know but i preffer the minicomputer.
it is possible you have other situation.