Well, last night worked, but not 100%.
I replaced the bad LM465. Quick review of what installed modules/codes and what happened last night:
- Using code A-12, 7 LM465 and one WS467 modules, don't have a separate WS467 module in the AHP DB setup, using the LM465 module to control ALL A-12 coded modules.
- Using code A-15, one LM465 module on a long run circuit.
- Last night ran AHP on the PC with the USB cable connected to the CM15A, but CM15A was not in the outlet closest to the circuit panel.
- At dusk I see in the AHP event log one "ON" command being sent out for codes A-12 and A-15 (100% brightness), but the WS467 did not turn on, all other modules (A-12 and A-15) did go on.
- At 11:30 I see 3 "OFF" commands being sent out for codes A-12 and A-15, A-15 module shut off, but none of the A-12 modules that were on shut off.
Tonight I plan on disconnecting the CM15A from the USB cable and moving it to the outlet closest to the circuit panel, no other changes to see what happens?
Why did the AHP/Interface only send one "ON" command even though I had "REPEAT" set in the AHP DB setup?