I first read about a magic mirror in a post on this forum several years back
... then I found this:
I feel confident (
like I'd have anyway of actually knowing) that we're rushing towards the Halo concept of a
virtual companion. A voice/digital entity... that is always with us... ready with alerts, advice, answers, and even plain old conversation and companionship. I am hopeful that the old "chat bot" algorithms will be integrated with cloud-smarts and even current and social media events. So... like the mirror (in the video link) birthday reminders (and such) for friends and co-workers... would be automatic (not requiring any data entry).
Currently.... I have found that I direct certain questions to Siri, and others to Alexa. And I know I need a Google [digital assistance] device... because Google is smarter. Which makes me wonder.... do I really want a single [one person, one voice] virtual companion. Or would a group of virtual friends/advisors be more desirable? There is a Alexa app (I think) that could follow me on my iPhone... and by connective extension... on my car's speakers.
Of course... all this means/requires a total and trusting embrace of cloud computing (like there's really other kinds today). So some of our fellow Home Automator's may not be able to make the transition.
I myself look forward to the advancing AI technologies..... and the robot helpers (or
overlords) that will be sure to follow.