My Dot got another update which allows outlook calendar integration. it supposedly allows you to sync sound on all Alexa dots/echos/and taps though I don't have a second device to see if that is a actuality.
I did manage to do a firmware flash of one of my sonoff devices which was to make it compatible with SmartThings only it can't be discovered (maybe the modle I tested isn't compatible yet)
In any case I can now control it with out the cloud if that connection ever fails.
I also was able to add it to the HA-Bridge so Alexa can control it

so no need for the SmartThings app.
I also read about the RM Broadlink and ordered one hoping to simplify my IR control with Alexa.
This also is to work with SmartThings using a RM Bridge on an android which since my TV box was on 24/7 anyways it could be installed on it.
The RM Broadlink learns all my IR devices except my cable box power button for what ever reason.

It will not however learn anything using the online interface which is needed for it to work with the RM Bridge

The SmartThings approach looks and sounds very promising as no actual hub is required though they do sell one.
Setup with out a hub is a bit of a task and that maybe why I'm having issues as I don't have a actual SmartThings Hub.
However Alexa does see my SmartThings routines and can activate them