I have a length of speaker wire consisting of 2 parts...one silver wire & one copper wire. I have connected the Powerflash PSC01 as indicated on it's screw positions...silver on the +side and copper on the -side.
I opened the Dakota Alert Receiver box and am confronted with THREE holes to use: NO, COM, NC .
Which hole do I insert the +silver wire and which hole the -copper wire?
Neither the Powerflash PSC01 nor the Dakota DCR2500 provide any wiring instructions.
To refresh memory: I have Dakota Alert2500 Driveway system. When car runs over hose, Receiver in house Alerts sing.
Powerflash Security PSC01 when connected to Dakota Alert activates X10 Powerhouse Lamp Module, which turns on a lamp, (or ROBODOG, which is set up like the Lamp Module).
Thank you for your help. Frances