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Author Topic: Selecting House Codes  (Read 1742 times)


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Selecting House Codes
« on: August 24, 2017, 07:55:41 PM »

For the 'bits and bytes' experts:
Assume one either needs or wants to use multiple house codes in their X10 configuration - let's assume four house codes.

From the point of view of data stream corruption, is there any advantage to spreading out the four chosen house codes in any fashion?  That is, would the bit representation of four particular house codes be less likely to be confused due to corruption than some other four house codes? 

Assuming corruption can't be helped, is there any other reason to spread house codes across the range?

Is there any reason _not_ to spread house codes across the range?

I'm aware that house code 'M' and house code 'P' are used in some device-specific cases.  Are there other such cases?

dave w

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Re: Selecting House Codes
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2017, 08:25:13 PM »

No IMHO there is no need to spread house codes. I use all 16 unit codes in house codes A through H and I use P2 through P16 as flags. P1 is used by several X10 test units. I have never noticed any repeatable problem with any House Codes. You might stay away from A1 and M13. Motion sensors default to A1 when the batteries get low. Actually I do have an A1 light. When it comes on "mysteriously" I know one of my motion sensors need attention. M13 is my "test" HCUC. M13 is 0000 bit wise.  In the M13 position the modules code wheels are not making contact on the PC board. So if I am troubleshooting a bad lamp or appliance module with the top removed (code wheels are removed) to access the PC board, I can use M13 as a test code.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2017, 11:47:40 AM by dave w »
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Re: Selecting House Codes
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2017, 03:42:52 AM »

Some good tips, Dave.  Thanks!
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