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Author Topic: BVC little issue  (Read 7779 times)


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BVC little issue
« on: April 10, 2017, 06:45:56 AM »

I am trying to control some things with BVC but I have one issue.
I have tried it on Windows 7 and 10, both 64bits, with the built-in speech engine and same issue.
When configure a listener with ActiveHomePro, works ok, recognice a X10 command and plays a sound ok.
But my issue is with voice recognition.
I have changed the "Attention phrase" from "Computer" to "Ordenador" (in Spanish) but when I say "Ordenador" the program writes "Ordenador" in the box "Last Recognized Phrase" but not plays the sound neither wait for a command.

I have been reading all this forum and the BVC forum but not found a solution.

Does you know what could be happend?
Thanks in advance.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2017, 06:54:31 AM by lccano »

HA Dave

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Re: BVC little issue
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2017, 09:56:28 AM »

I am trying to control some things with BVC but I have one issue.
I have tried it on Windows 7 and 10, both 64bits, with the built-in speech engine and same issue. Does you know what could be happend?
Thanks in advance.

Hummmm. I know Bill never did update BVC to operate with new versions of Windows. I know even Visa was more Cortana (?) active (as an OS)... which was problematic for BVC. BVC is a Sapi5 based voice control. I think (think!) Windows 7 &10 are Sapi6 (or some sort of thing). That might effect settings. But I honestly don't know.

Tuicemen (forum member here) has a 3rd party software that also does voice commands. And... if I remember correctly he overcame the problems of newer versions of windows.

I've been meaning to call Bill anyway. This question gives me a great excuse!
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Re: BVC little issue
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2017, 08:02:00 AM »

Thanks for your response HA Dave.

If you can talk with Bill let us know and share his opinion please!

It is a pity that his software runs well on Windows 10 but only the recognition part have this little issue!

If Bill tells you how more or less, i can help looking for a solution.

Thanks again.

HA Dave

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Re: BVC little issue
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2017, 01:00:14 AM »

I am speaking to Bill as I type. We/he haven't tried BVC on either 7 or 10. So that could be your problem right there. But another reason could also be if your running a trial version. You may just need to restart.

Other concerns.... are you running life jacket... or the actual X10 software. (BVC was never tested with life jacket).

I also emailed a link to your question/concern to Bill. And he's going to try to find time to read your post and reply directly.
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Re: BVC little issue
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2017, 08:49:54 AM »

Lifejacket wouldn't be a factor as it is a one time run application and only used to register AHP.
Windows 7 & up utilize the VR engine BVC uses. This usually causes confusion with some recognition and usually with common windows commands.
I suspect this is the issue but could also be what Dave/Bill suggested or a combination.

I updated PCC to use VR starting at which doesn't use the same engine and will turn off the windows recognition (if told) to stop conflicts.
You may wish to test run it to see if the same issue is present, and if so just change your recognition phrase for BVC.
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HA Dave

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Re: BVC little issue
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2017, 04:18:58 PM »

It was nice talking to Bill anyway.... even if my post here offered little... if any real insight.

It's amazing... BVC accomplished most what we are now using special devices, High-speed connections, and cloud servers to do. And BVC only used old XP dust-collecting door-stops.

I've used the tag-line (below) that HA is limited only by our imaginations for several years. But I've failed to post that I most often depend on the creative imaginations of others... for HA ideas. Bill's BVC drove mine... and I feel thousands of others... automation setups. And even what was then... the future of VR automation IMHO.

I think that much of what we have in automation today was forged out of those last golden years of HA. Before X10 became almost pornographic in its efforts to sell cameras. Hopefully more new project ideas will bring a new golden age with HA. Even if HA turns out to be a little different than previously imaged. 
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Re: BVC little issue
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2017, 04:25:30 PM »

It is to bad Bill stopped working on BVC. :(
Imagine how powerful it would be now with all the new advancements.
Maybe it will get an overhaul when/if X10 ever gets the new Wi-Fi module released. ::) :'
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Re: BVC little issue
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2017, 08:24:21 PM »

Maybe it will get an overhaul when/if X10 ever gets the new Wi-Fi module released. ::) :'
That sucking sound you hear is me holding my breath (NOT).  >*<
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HA Dave

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Re: BVC little issue
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2017, 10:49:02 PM »

It is to bad Bill stopped working on BVC. :(
Imagine how powerful it would be now with all the new advancements.
Maybe it will get an overhaul when/if X10 ever gets the new Wi-Fi module released. ::) :'

Google and Amazon have the power of servers and specialized search results on their side. That's good stuff. I think... I'd like to see Bill create a "Lite", app version of BVC. Or... maybe BVC needs server/cloud space. I am so tired of the endless chimes and sounds made by everyone's cell phone. The other day I was driving a granddaughter home from school and I hear a "chime sound". I had to ask her... if it was her phone or mine. Thankfully it was her phone... because on my phone it would have meant someone was opening my garage door.

Why can't we have personalized spoken alerts and warnings on our phones? Maybe alerts that work in combination with geofencing.

But speaking with Bill and discussing where HA is at now... and where it might be headed... was refreshing. Bill has some great creative ideas.

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Re: BVC little issue
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2017, 08:02:15 AM »

Why can't we have personalized spoken alerts and warnings on our phones? Maybe alerts that work in combination with geofencing.
Actually we can now. if your hone allows for custom ring tones you can create your own ring tones. these can be used for messages or calls and can be different for every contact.
Several years ago I created TAC which allowed it to speak anaouncements reading your text messages, speaking who was calling,  who the text message was from as well as speak Messages from PCC, Bluewatch, or other TAC enabled devices.
It also allowed VR to send X10 commands or other PCC created tasks.
unfortunately it was only created for android devices.
I'm sure an app is out there to do the things your looking for . the problem is locating it.

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HA Dave

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Re: BVC little issue
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2017, 11:32:10 PM »

I'm sure an app is out there to do the things your looking for . the problem is locating it.

It's been a while since I've searched for a suitable ring-tone maker. I'll have to look again. Thx for the suggestion.
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Re: BVC little issue
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2017, 07:50:29 AM »

It may take a bit of playing around but you should be able to capture your BVC, PC, or Alexa voice to a wav file then use a ring tone maker to convert it as well.
I've done this for my Android phone several years ago, however I just can't remember what app I used for the conversion. ::) :'
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