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Any idea how to accomplish this -- 5 dry contact input, & one dry contact output

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Hi Jeff,
I just looked at the definition of "diodes" and it sounds as if it may do the job.  I have no expertise in electronics.  Let me try it and I will let you know if it worked.  Thanks.

Brian H:
I was also thinking of diodes.

Things you should keep in mind.
The X10Pro PSC01 or PF282 Powerflash module. Is in Mode B Dry Contact Input. There is around a 6 volt DC voltage on the input to detect dry contacts on or off.
+ 6volts is on the terminal marked - and - 6volts on the terminal marked +.
Diodes are polarity sensitive. Where the banded end is connected. Makes a difference.

HA Dave:

--- Quote from: Ardi on November 17, 2017, 01:49:52 AM ---I have 5 security photocell beams installed. .....Depending on which photocell beam is broken, I turn on the outside flood light for that face of the house.
...... I like to purchase something .......to turn on something else (like a DVR camera recorder).

--- End quote ---

Why not just add 5 motion sensors to your 5 floodlights. Then buy an 8 unit (use five of the cameras) security camera setup and set it up to record on movement (or 24/7 for that matter). The Hard Drive [in the units] write over the old memory/video after some period of time (2-4 weeks).

You can even still find the X10 dual floodlight PR511 motion sensors on EBay. I use the an X10 sensor to trigger a computer generated voice warning which I broadcast both inside and outside.

Hi Brian,

Thank U for the info.  I'll keep it in mind.

Hi Dave,

In the past, I have not had much luck with motion sensors, and I tried a few.  Even one false alarm during the night is not pleasant.  With motion sensors, I used to get false alarms when trees are shaking, or snow or heavy rain, or small animals in the yard. 

I have used the photocell beams for a few years, and I practically do not get any false alarm.  I do wake up at night and see a deer in the yard, but that is because I set my photocell beams sensors at about 4-5 feet height off the ground. I do not want to change that, since I want to know when my kids are outside playing.

HA Dave:

--- Quote from: Ardi on November 18, 2017, 10:39:01 AM ---..... I have not had much luck with motion sensors, and I tried a few.  Even one false alarm during the night is not pleasant.  With motion sensors, I used to get false alarms when trees are shaking, or snow or heavy rain, or small animals in the yard. 

I have used the photocell beams for a few years, and I practically do not get any false alarm.
--- End quote ---

You're correct. False alarms are a pain. We're infested with deer in my area (really... an actual infestation)... so I do understand. But the newer (not X10) motion sensors are sensitivity adjustable and more reliable.

I've used the optical sensors/photocell beams myself.... but not outdoors. I found the units voltage/signal ate up my X10 modules. Even buying them in bulk on EBay was pricey.... and hurt reliability.

I separate my backyard... as if... in a different zone. I treat activity "inside the gate" differently than other areas around the house. And I treat points of entry as a security issue.... more-so than perimeter zones. I've found that adding "lawn lamps" near the house..... causes the deer to migrate to the shadows further from the house (and the sensors).

I like what you're doing! Sorry I could not be of any assistance.   


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