.....I bought a bunch of "scent candle" plug-in devices at our local Dollar Tree ($1 each) and they have a ceramic resistor across the terminals to create a little heat to make the scent liquid in the bottles evaporate, etc.
We don't put any of the scent bottles in the units, but I add one of these small resistive loads on the load side of the X-10 switches and they will then turn fully off when cycled.
I wonder how many of these I could use to replace light bulbs under my shop sink to keep things from freezing.
Likely fewer than you might think. Years (decades) ago.... I had a washing machine in a room that was little more than an old enclosed porch. To keep the sitting washer from freezing in the winter I added a fixture with a 40 watt bulb (25W would have been more than enough). When the temps dipped below freezing I switched the bulb to ON.
But times (and concepts) change. My primary bulbs [LED] used for lighting only use 8 watts. With that perspective it seems wasteful to expend 7 watts... so lesser LED's can be used. Almost like spending a dollar to save a dime (but not really).