Maybe a Bluetooth speaker will work for sound.

Anyone tried this?
I had a large number of voice alerts from my old PC based HA setup (with BVC).
When I took my HA Laptops off-line... I had considered creating wav files that would play warnings and notices (through my Hometroller/Pi). But.... I eventually also took down my wired speaker system as well. I have an extra BT speaker system (replaced by an Echo). And had considered using that.
But decided instead to try using phone [sound] notices. As I can't really think of any notice that I would only want if I was at home to hear it. Currently... the ONLY part of my setup that I've satisfactorily got sound notices set-up for through my phone.... has been garage alerts. BUT the HS system does allow for text and email alerts. So the mechanism is there... it is my own fault that I haven't done more.
I'd look at find/creating an app... that plays pre-recorded wav sounds. Then the app could travel about with you on your phone.... OR on a Pi or tiny PC for home use.
THIS... is one example of how a cloud based function is best at accomplishing desired tasks. And... why I am re-imagining my setup... instead of just re-creating it. I can always.... just put the old setup back together. But what a great opportunity to look for new ways to do even better stuff with HA.