I would think.... that after any changes/updates are made to the Pi/SD Card.... a new image/copy of the card would be made. So if a card is corrupted, it could them be reformatted and reimaged.
Yep. I also had a spare card ready to go on hand for such a thing. the issue was I wasn't in the city for over a week when the Pi card was corrupted.
The USP actually serves a number of purposes as well as preventing a simple power blip from corrupting the SD card on the pi.
It keeps my modem powered so I can still check on things (if the internet is still working)when away.
With the modem working I still get notifications to my phone of a security breach.
I can still run a camera or two to capture photos or just check in on things. I may also add the camera attachment to the Pi in the future.
The UPS I picked up was much cheaper then the one designed for the Pi header thoughI may look into setting up somthing with a Supercapacitor for extra protection. there are many examples of this on the net.