Officially the 2477D, 2477S 100-277VAC 50/60Hz switches. Do not support X10. Not listed in the specification pages.
The 2466S/D power line only also do not list X10 support.
I have seen posts indicating that X10 support is not listed but still maybe supported.
Since it is not listed. They can drop it at anytime they decide to.
Now that Smarthome-Smarlabs are owned by Richmond Capital Partners. They maybe taking a different path.
Not all of the updated modules to Dual Band are reliable.
The 2413S, 2413U PLM, both older and present HUB. Have switching supplies in them, but someone picked poor quality capacitors for the supply. They have a known issue with getting maybe two years and a few months old. Then stop working.
Out of the two year warranty by a few months.
There is a very long thread on the UDI forums. On repairing them with quality capacitors. They say they have corrected it but I don't know anyone that has had one long enough to test the time period before belly up.