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Author Topic: My Attempt at X10 on a Raspberry Pi using HA with Wireless Support  (Read 17813 times)

Brian H

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Re: My Attempt at X10 on a Raspberry Pi using HA with Wireless Support
« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2018, 07:23:51 AM »

Sounds like you have it set to what you wanted.
I am not familiar with the software and it ability to take a received RF massage. Then act on it.


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Re: My Attempt at X10 on a Raspberry Pi using HA with Wireless Support
« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2018, 08:34:45 AM »

Well, here's a little update. This isn't my ultimate plan as I would like everything under one roof, but I did have some success using the wireless control of my current system to send an x10 command from a palm pad to HA and turn on a zigbee smart bulb.

I'm running a program call Home Control Assistant using a cm11a for plc and a w800usb for wireless reception. In HCA I have the option to create programs that can be triggered by wireless reception. In those programs I can send HTTP Post commands. I was using this with IFTTT's webhooks service. Press F6 on and HCA sends to IFTTT which sends the on command to Wink. It would take 2 to 3 seconds for the light to turn on.

Now I have HCA send directly to HA using the rest api and the same light turns on in about 1 second. I have Wink connected to HA.

I did one more test. I have a zwave/zigbee stick setup in HA. I setup a test sengled smart bulb directly in HA using the zigbee stick. Running the same http post the light turns on instantly, no delay at all.

So if I can't get HA and HeyU setup like I want, I at least have an alternative. It won't be my ideal setup as I'll have to run 2 systems, but at least I'm all locally controlled without any delays.


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Re: My Attempt at X10 on a Raspberry Pi using HA with Wireless Support
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2018, 09:40:49 AM »

Well, here's a little update. This isn't my ultimate plan as I would like everything under one roof,.......

So if I can't get HA and HeyU setup like I want, I at least have an alternative. It won't be my ideal setup as I'll have to run 2 systems, but at least I'm all locally controlled without any delays.
Glad to see you have a way to get things done at least.
 I also like everything under one roof. Having to use two systems to do what you want is not ideal.
It would make me look to an alternate software options which may do what I wish.

I continue to watch this thread with interest as I'd like to test run HA. However if you can't get HA performing how you like with the Cm15 then it probably isn't for me. For now HomeGenie is doing what I want and I don't plan on moving to something else other then for testing purposes.

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Re: My Attempt at X10 on a Raspberry Pi using HA with Wireless Support
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2018, 11:49:05 AM »

So if I can't get HA and HeyU setup like I want, I at least have an alternative. It won't be my ideal setup as I'll have to run 2 systems, but at least I'm all locally controlled without any delays.

If I understand correctly, you are trying to get HA to listen for X10 rf commands from palm pads, motion sensors, (possibly) SS13A-type wall switches, and so on. If that's wrong, or you have found a solution, you can stop reading. Otherwise, this suggestion comes with a disclaimer: I have no experience with HA or the CM15A. All I know is what I have read and have learned from working with a CM19A and mochad on a Raspberry Pi.

I think  you need something like, which was designed to listen for Lutron devices over tcp. Since mochad returns X10 commands on port 1099, it should be possible to modify this HA component for your purpose. There seem to be several threads on the HA forum related to listening on a tcp port. Apparently, it is not a solved problem, and you would be doing the community a service if you could sort it out.


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Re: My Attempt at X10 on a Raspberry Pi using HA with Wireless Support
« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2018, 06:12:52 AM »

So if I can't get HA and HeyU setup like I want, I at least have an alternative. It won't be my ideal setup as I'll have to run 2 systems, but at least I'm all locally controlled without any delays.

If I understand correctly, you are trying to get HA to listen for X10 rf commands from palm pads, motion sensors, (possibly) SS13A-type wall switches, and so on. If that's wrong, or you have found a solution, you can stop reading. Otherwise, this suggestion comes with a disclaimer: I have no experience with HA or the CM15A. All I know is what I have read and have learned from working with a CM19A and mochad on a Raspberry Pi.

I think  you need something like, which was designed to listen for Lutron devices over tcp. Since mochad returns X10 commands on port 1099, it should be possible to modify this HA component for your purpose. There seem to be several threads on the HA forum related to listening on a tcp port. Apparently, it is not a solved problem, and you would be doing the community a service if you could sort it out.

You are correct in your thoughts. And what you suggest is interesting but I'm not a programmer and could not begin to know how to modify any HA component.

All I know and as you stated, mochad returns x10 commands on port 1099. Funny thing is if I restart HA for config changes, my x10 lights I have in HA update with the current status. So for example, if I turn on a light using a palm pad, HA has no idea it was turned on but mochad does. If I restart HA the status of that light now shows on. So it looks like somehow HA is reading something from mochad, just not in real time.

I also know there was a script written to work with mochad that listens to mochad for just the RF from security and then sends it to HA via mqtt. That is probably a better candidate for modification. But again, I'm not a programmer so I have no clue what I'm doing. I can only hack my way through what is out there in it's current state in hopes it will do what I want.


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Re: My Attempt at X10 on a Raspberry Pi using HA with Wireless Support
« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2018, 06:21:50 AM »

To add on my last. Still wishing I was a programmer. May it would be possible to modify HeyU to support the cm15 by using mochad somehow.

My mind is dreaming again.


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Re: My Attempt at X10 on a Raspberry Pi using HA with Wireless Support
« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2018, 07:08:53 AM »

There is a Mochad thread on the forum here where users were using mochad with the cm19 and cm15 in Hey U.
A search should turn it up.
But if you have Hey U working with the CM15 I'm not sure why you'd want Home Assistant running too. ::) :'
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Re: My Attempt at X10 on a Raspberry Pi using HA with Wireless Support
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2018, 07:27:39 AM »

There is a Mochad thread on the forum here where users were using mochad with the cm19 and cm15 in Hey U.
A search should turn it up.
But if you have Hey U working with the CM15 I'm not sure why you'd want Home Assistant running too. ::) :'

I'll search for the thread, thanks.

I currently do not have HeyU working with the cm15. It was a thought that if it could be modified to work with the cm15 then I could maybe make it work how I want.

Here is an old thread in the HA forums that seems to have a lot of info. I'm reading it again for the 3rd time as there is a lot to digest.


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Re: My Attempt at X10 on a Raspberry Pi using HA with Wireless Support
« Reply #23 on: August 11, 2018, 07:55:28 AM »

Just wanted to give a quick update. I said it would be a while before I finally tested my cm11 and ws800usb on my pi running heyu and home assistant. Well, I finally shut down the current system and attached the cm11 and w800usb to my pi. Fired up heyu and viola! it works. THe only config I did so far was add the tty directives in the heyu config file for both the cm11 and the tty_aux for the w800usb. And I was turning lights on and off with my palmpads. I was also seeing all my ds10a'a reporting in.

I haven't attacked the configs much yet. Just added a few lights to HA. Heyu does use a state engine so if I turn a light on with a palmpad it will reflect this in HA with a 10 or 20 second delay. Of course I'll still never know the light was turned on manually at the switch, but I knew that.

I'll pass along more when I have time to play with the setup some more. Have to mow the grass and get to the honey-do list.


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Re: My Attempt at X10 on a Raspberry Pi using HA with Wireless Support
« Reply #24 on: August 12, 2018, 06:15:16 AM »

Just wanted to give a quick update. I said it would be a while before I finally tested my cm11 and ws800usb on my pi running heyu and home assistant. Well, I finally shut down the current system and attached the cm11 and w800usb to my pi. Fired up heyu and viola! it works. THe only config I did so far was add the tty directives in the heyu config file for both the cm11 and the tty_aux for the w800usb. And I was turning lights on and off with my palmpads. I was also seeing all my ds10a'a reporting in.

I haven't attacked the configs much yet. Just added a few lights to HA. Heyu does use a state engine so if I turn a light on with a palmpad it will reflect this in HA with a 10 or 20 second delay. Of course I'll still never know the light was turned on manually at the switch, but I knew that.

I'll pass along more when I have time to play with the setup some more. Have to mow the grass and get to the honey-do list.

Could a TM751 do the job for you. All you needed was something to inject the RF codes into the PL and Heyu/HA looks after the rest.


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Re: My Attempt at X10 on a Raspberry Pi using HA with Wireless Support
« Reply #25 on: August 13, 2018, 08:41:08 AM »

I haven't attacked the configs much yet. Just added a few lights to HA. Heyu does use a state engine so if I turn a light on with a palmpad it will reflect this in HA with a 10 or 20 second delay. Of course I'll still never know the light was turned on manually at the switch, but I knew that.

Could a TM751 do the job for you. All you needed was something to inject the RF codes into the PL and Heyu/HA looks after the rest.

No, what I meant to say is when a light that uses a ws467 is turned on manually at the switch, HA will never know about it.


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Re: My Attempt at X10 on a Raspberry Pi using HA with Wireless Support
« Reply #26 on: August 13, 2018, 08:53:12 AM »

I did have a little time to play this weekend. I was able to identify all my ds10a sensors in heyu and give them an alias label. Heyu even recognizes the low battery signal from the ds10a.

I also setup mqtt binary sensors in HA for each of my sensors. I then set heyu to use the command line to publish the state of the sensors to HA. So now I can use the sensors in HA to trigger automations.

Next I need to setup the binary sensors for all my ms16a motion sensors and publish their on/off states from heyu. Then I will have everything ready to setup and create the automations from my old system. Its funny how the smallest of things you had setup in a system you miss when they aren't setup in the new system. Just the simple chime sounding when someone steps on the porch. Or a light blinking on the off when the front door is opened. But I'm almost there. We'll see what this week brings as I play and learn during my down time at work.

BTW, in case anyone wants to know. I'm using mosquitto as my mqtt broker running on the same pi as HA and Heyu. Mosquitto has a command line tool called mosquitto_pub that you can use in a Heyu script to publish stuff to HA. Real simple to use and fast.

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Re: My Attempt at X10 on a Raspberry Pi using HA with Wireless Support
« Reply #27 on: August 13, 2018, 09:19:18 AM »

It's really nice to have the new PI experts on board here at the X10 forums! I think you may well be the future of X10.

I am a long-time user of X10 and computerized Home Automation. Just got Home Genie running last night. I have tons to learn.

But I was wondering...… if Home Genie is actually/originally/written for Widows….. what OTHER similar programs will run on a PI? would AHP? Would BVC (or any of Tuicemen's X10 programs)?
Home Automation is an always changing technology


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Re: My Attempt at X10 on a Raspberry Pi using HA with Wireless Support
« Reply #28 on: August 13, 2018, 12:58:29 PM »

It's really nice to have the new PI experts on board here at the X10 forums! I think you may well be the future of X10.

I am a long-time user of X10 and computerized Home Automation. Just got Home Genie running last night. I have tons to learn.

But I was wondering...… if Home Genie is actually/originally/written for Widows….. what OTHER similar programs will run on a PI? would AHP? Would BVC (or any of Tuicemen's X10 programs)?

Oh heck, please don't consider me a PI expert. I'm a far cry from that. I'm just a PI hack. I try by error. When I find something that works I just use that for the next item even if there may be a better or proper way to do it.

As for windows programs on the PI, there is a stripped down windows version. I think it's called windows iot or something like that. I don't know much about it. I've only seen it mentioned a few times and haven't looked in to it.


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Re: My Attempt at X10 on a Raspberry Pi using HA with Wireless Support
« Reply #29 on: August 13, 2018, 01:02:34 PM »

Well, had a little time this morning. I got all my motion sensors setup in HA and Heyu scripts are publishing the on/off events to them. So they are now available to use as triggers for automations. I also have the security remotes setup in Heyu and publishing arm/disarm states to HA.

Guess now it's time to learn home assistant automation. Think I'll start with something simple and see if I can make my chime go off whenever the porch motion comes on. I miss that the most. My wife even said the porch chime is broken.
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