COs, Please don't post to this thread unless it is to add info for this setup.
Setting up The Ha-Bridge on a Pi is straight forward and should be as simple on any SBC running Linux for the Experienced PI user, just follow the directions posted in the HA-Bridge readme: the absolute PI Beginner the instructions may look a bit confusing (they did to me ay first too)
For this reason I'll do a step by step
This assumes you have no other server running using port 80 as HA-bridge initially starts using that port. If so change the port in the other servers before you start!
1: in your PI open a terminal window (this is Basicaly a command prompt)
2: copy or type below into the terminal and hit enter (this makes the ha-bridge folder)
mkdir ha-bridge
3: copy or type below into the terminal and hit enter (this moves you into the ha-bridge folder)so the program can be placed there.
cd ha-bridge
4:copy or type below into the terminal and hit enter( this downloads the required file.
5:copy or type below and hit enter(this changes the name to just ha-bridge.jar it helps with updates )
mv ha-bridge-5.3.0.jar ha-bridge.jar
6: if you plan to run as a service (meaning you want this to run on every boot up) then
copy or type below and hit enter( this moves you to the folder where services are handled
Now to create the HA-Bridge service:
cd /etc/systemd/system
7: copy or type and hit enter (this opens a text editor to create the HA-Bridge service.)
sudo nano ha-bridge.service
8: with the nano text editor screen open, copy or type exactly the below text into the new screen
Description=HA Bridge
ExecStart=/usr/bin/java -jar -Dconfig.file=/home/pi/ha-bridge/data/habridge.config /home/pi/ha-bridge/ha-bridge.jar
Save the file in the editor by hitting CTL-X and then saying Y to update and save. Hit Enter and this should close the nano window and return you to the terminal window to enter more commands
9:type or copy below and hit enter (this reloads all service files, ha-bridge.service included so the Pi knows they are here)
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
10: copy or type below and hit enter (this loads the service and starts HA-Bridge)
sudo systemctl start ha-bridge.service
Now we want to load the service so it starts for every boot11: copy or type below and hit enter ( this tells the pi to run HA-Bridge at every start up)
sudo systemctl enable ha-bridge.service
If all of the above seems to much then you can just use the installer I created. you have ha-bridge installed and running open your web browser on your Pi to localhost. Once HA-Bridge is displaying click on the Bridge Control tab.
If you wish to change your port scroll down to Web Server Port and edit the 80 to what ever port you wish to use, See attached.
If you have a Broadlink RM continue to scroll down until you see Broadlink Support. click the false button so it turn to true.
If you have any other things (hubs or software) supported by the bridge set their info as well then scroll to the top and click save.
When the bridge restarts you'll be at the Devices screen go back to the Bridge control tab (screen) and click Update Security Settings
This will allow you to setup users and password so access to the bridge so it is restricted to only those users you wish access.
I'll post how to add devices in this thread in another post.