So remade my Raspbian SD card, put on blank SSH file and wpa_supplicant.conf, which has the following inside:
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
ssid= MY SSID name without " " marks
psk= my security code without the " " marks
It blinked (green LED on pi zero W) away for a while like doing something then quit with green LED on solid.
No IP shown on my network for it.
I assume this means it is not wifi talking. Maybe the " " marks are needed above?
It appears my HDMI tv had its HDMI input blown along with the various pi's, so I have no way to see what the pi is doing...
I suppose my next step is to find another HDMI monitor to see what is happening?
This is totally ridiculous! I can program in machine language, I can get thru C language, I can do VB and basic, ladder logic, structured text. But this linux blind crap is just CRAZY!
Another 3 hours down the drain.