I'm not sure what happened Dave
HA-Bridge installs to port 80 by default it doesn't create a link in HomeGenie.
If something else is running on Port 80 this may be your issue. I ran the single line script on 4 different SD cards without a issue.
However 3 were fresh Debian installs and HA-Bridge was the first to be installed in those three cases, the other case HG was installed but on port 8090.
If you wish for it to run on a different port you must change it from inside its web UI.
Since your not getting anything in your browser you may have to many HA-bridge service entries by trying the other methods first. Though that shouldn't be the case as the installer should have just over written them.
Your first screen shot does show the HA-Bridge service was created successfully and HA-Bridge should already be running.
A few things to try.
1: Click the files & folder icon on your desktop task bar and check to see if you have the ha-bridge folder and the ha-bridge.jar file inside it. The path is home/pi/ha-bridge. if there is another folder in the HA-Bridge folder(data) check to see if anything is in it. If so we may be able to edit the port from the terminal window.
3:What port is HomeGennie on?
If it is 80 you have to change it to something else from inside HG.
HA-Bridge does not look for a open port when installing.
4: A reboot may help but if something else is running on port 80 the first to get that port will work and the other fail.
You shouldn't do the single script install after trying the other longer method however that should not screw things up.
5: if all else fails start fresh after backing up you HG configuration.