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Author Topic: How do I ARM my X10 with the key fob, but DISARM it with the console?!  (Read 2414 times)


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I would like to ARM my system using my one and only Key Fob, but have anyone who knows the console code be able to DISARM the system AT the console DURING the programmed delay time WITHOUT the alarm tripping!  But, I can't figure out how to do this!  It seems when I ARM the system with the key fob, I must also DISARM with the key fob to avoid tripping the alarm.  It seems because arming the system with the key fob is INSTANT, so it must also be with the alarm trigger.  But this set-up is useless if I want to be the one and only person with a key fob, but have other trusted individuals be able to disarm the system once I've armed it and left the premises.  So... how do I accomplish this?  That is, to be able to ARM with the Key Fob, but DISARM with the console WITHOUT the alarm tripping prior to the delay time expiring?

Brian H

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Re: How do I ARM my X10 with the key fob, but DISARM it with the console?!
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2018, 06:14:43 AM »

Is this the presently sold SC1200 with accessories?
The KR32A Key fob does an Armed Away. The SC1200 manual says there is no entry or exit delay when the fob is used.

Manual says. If armed home or armed away. Entering your four digit PIN code on the console key pad should disarm it. If you didn't change it it is 0000.

Did your kit also have an SH624 palm pad style remote in it?
« Last Edit: October 24, 2018, 06:28:29 AM by Brian H »
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