The Pi X10Hub has the ability for Alexa control built in with HA-Bridge no skill required.
Several sample backups are included to show one what is possible. even a simple one showing X10 control of 3 or 4 devices
The HomeGenie API allows for intergration of other things like IFTT, SmartThings,and other Cloud services if that's your thing.
However it isn't required and the only thing the internet is actualy required for is maintaining the clock as there is no RTC unless you add one your self and that is certainly do able. You the end user looks after what goes on your PI just like you look after what gets put on your Phone no staff required. The Hub is a server which can connect to any server you wish it to.
This thing supports Hue devices, Zwave devices, and many others. X10 is just what we are focusing on with a simple initial setup like AHP had for X10 samples.
I really don't know why you think Authinx needs to buy-in on this.
Although the owner is very interested and supplied me with a few CM15As for this so I guess maybe they have already bought in on this.
Truth be told, it was you Dave, and your attempts to setup a Pi that inspired me to work with a Pi. Sure others did encourage me to do the Pi X10Hub image for the community but I already had a working Pi X10Hub of my own.
Being open source we the X10 community are not stuck waiting on a developer from China to get the things added we want and need with this thing. This will grow with its capabilities faster then even AHP did.
The possibilities really are endless with the software in this image.