Does anyone have both HomeGenie and Homeseer? Not that I would dump Homeseer, but HomeGenie appears very comparable and certainly big time cheaper. Especially if you can design custom control screens for Window, Android, iOS within HomeGenie. With Homeseer that requires a second, not cheap, program (Homeseer Designer).
If someone has both, a comparative review would be welcome. 
Yes @dave w I've installed HomeSeer on a number of machines for others. It's way over priced (as can be seen in their November sales offer) and to be honest it's a pure Windows offering poorly adapted to run on a Linux platform. it does the job but it's lacking in so many areas. And of course it doesn't "officially" support X10. That would not endear itself to forum users here.
The so called "plugins" game they play shows contempt to the user by getting 3rd party individuals to do their heavy lifting and filling in the functionality gaps left by the principle designer, giving these individuals a shop window to sell their wares and taking a generous cut of the profits.
HomeGenie I imagine was selected principally for its versatility, it's ease of use and of course it is an open source software. Everyone can join in. That ethos in my opinion sits well with the ideals of the forum. The likes of JeffVolp and yourself I imagine would appreciate that.
Such a shame Authinx and it's WM100 didn't adopt that mindset before embarking on their adventure. Had they done so we probably wouldn't even be discussing this subject today.