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Author Topic: Installing HG in Windows  (Read 10801 times)


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Installing HG in Windows
« on: January 28, 2020, 01:24:03 PM »

Since so many AHP users seem to have a difficult time with Linux even with either step-by-step instructions or even copy/paste commands, perhaps they would find it easier to just use HG on the same Windows Machine they are using for AHP?  HG is a program that is capable of running on any platform that has a Mono installation, but it runs natively on Windows without any other mucking around.  Perhaps users would find that an easier first step.

Just select the Windows installer, download, install.


Download HomeGenie Windows Installer and run it. Once installation process is completed, HomeGenie UI will be opened. The UI can be also opened by right clicking on the tray icon.

Seriously, that's it!  You are done and can now use HG!

The only thing to remember if you are using this on your box currently running AHP is that the driver for the CM15A (or whatever controller you are using) will have to be changed.  There are steps to do that in the HG documentation and it's basically just clicking "accept" when it tries to load the new one.  Once up and running, you can utilize HG to it's full capabilities without the fear of Linux or buying a RPi.  If you find HG to your liking, you then have the option to upgrade to an RPi or any other SBC to save space/electricity if you chose.

Linux has become the barrier for no reason.  Just use HG as it was Windows!


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Re: Installing HG in Windows
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2020, 03:25:31 PM »

Linux has become the barrier for no reason.  Just use HG as it was Windows!
So true.  :)
It should be noted that much of what is discussed in the PiX10Hub section also will work in Windows including HA-Bridge for Alexa control. There is no need to learn Linux other then to impress the Linux diehards.
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Re: Installing HG in Windows
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2020, 04:28:19 PM »

Since so many AHP users seem to have a difficult time with Linux even with either step-by-step instructions or even copy/paste commands, perhaps they would find it easier to just use HG on the same Windows Machine they are using for AHP?  HG is a program that is capable of running on any platform that has a Mono installation, but it runs natively on Windows without any other mucking around.  Perhaps users would find that an easier first step.

Just select the Windows installer, download, install.


Download HomeGenie Windows Installer and run it. Once installation process is completed, HomeGenie UI will be opened. The UI can be also opened by right clicking on the tray icon.

Seriously, that's it!  You are done and can now use HG!

The only thing to remember if you are using this on your box currently running AHP is that the driver for the CM15A (or whatever controller you are using) will have to be changed.  There are steps to do that in the HG documentation and it's basically just clicking "accept" when it tries to load the new one.  Once up and running, you can utilize HG to it's full capabilities without the fear of Linux or buying a RPi.  If you find HG to your liking, you then have the option to upgrade to an RPi or any other SBC to save space/electricity if you chose.

Linux has become the barrier for no reason.  Just use HG as it was Windows!

@bkenobi. You genius. You cracked it  :)% Imagine, no more fried Raspberry Pi's, no more corrupt SD cards, no More Mono or Raspbian images or SSH files or wpa_supplicant.conf or Sudos.............. I could continue with that list but suffice to say, give the people what they want and that's what you have done.

No more scripts or installers (I thought we might have had an installer for the Commodore 64 at one stage  rofl). Clearly users on the X10 forum are comfortable with Windows in all it's incarnations so why upset that feeling.

Hopefully users of HG can now concentrate on what's important, automation now that they have a Windows option for installition presented to them and not having to worry about operating systems.

This "Linux die hard" will leave the Windows Luddites to what they are used, Windows and get on with work and those "foreign" operating systems  :)% Hopefully the Windows route will encourage more users to adopt HG now that they realize it's actually a Windows application by design ie no need for Linux.


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Re: Installing HG in Windows
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2020, 05:43:33 PM »

The funny thing is, instead of spending time learning anything about Linux people can now just stay in their safe space and do the easy install rather than venturing out of their box and learning anything new.  It's great!   >!


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Re: Installing HG in Windows
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2020, 07:14:14 PM »

The funny thing is, instead of spending time learning anything about Linux people can now just stay in their safe space and do the easy install rather than venturing out of their box and learning anything new.  It's great!   >!

I know but somehow between the twists and the turns here users thought they needed to be proficient in Linux to use HG. The focus then turned to the workings of Linux, which was never intended and away from HG. Hopefully your post will be bait enough to attract the Windows pack back and try HG. Teasing people with screen shots of HG just won't cut it  :'


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Re: Installing HG in Windows
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2020, 11:36:21 AM »

I usually would recommend a new user that PMed me about the PiX10Hub to try HG on Windows to see if it was for them,
I never thought to make a public post about this. B:( At least someone was smart enough to post it! ;) ;)

However I don't believe the issue why so many users have difficulty is Linux. I believe the fact that the current PiX10Hub installer has no GUI is what confuses so many. They want and expect to have a keyboard mouse and monitor connected. Why, maybe as a security blanket? ::) :'
Many want to run a Pi but they want a GUI too ???. That should be pointed out is possible. However I wouldn't recommend it with anything older then the 3B+.
I ran HG & Ha-Bridge at my off grid place on a Pi 3B+ with the desktop GUI for over a year without issues. This also doubled as a video web streaming device and occasional web browsing.
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Re: Installing HG in Windows
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2020, 01:11:10 PM »

If you use a RPi3B+ then you can run the full Buster distro which includes the GUI.  That allows the user to plug a keyboard and mouse into the RPi and use it like a standard computer.  It still requires installing Linux and configuring the software in the terminal which is where the vast majority of the issues have been reported here.

Instead of going through that, users could opt to simply install HG on the AHP Windows machine they already have.  Creating an image that still requires the user to interface with Linux (either locally or remotely) in the terminal window appears to be an issue.  At this point, I am not encouraging people to use Linux since it adds complexity to something that doesn't have to be hard.  Just run the executable in Windows and use HG.  There is nothing wrong with doing it that way.  There are many advantages to the RPi approach, but if users struggle to get Linux going, they will never see any benefits of HG.


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Re: Installing HG in Windows
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2020, 02:07:06 PM »

I'm curious, back when this HG project was in its infancy, I downloaded the Windows version and it would not run. Some spinning wheel just spun away, never actually getting to do anything. I tried other machines and different setups, all with the same result. I was referred to some HG forum that was of no help other than seeing the same complaints.

When did this change?


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Re: Installing HG in Windows
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2020, 02:45:07 PM »

If you use a RPi3B+ then you can run the full Buster distro which includes the GUI.  That allows the user to plug a keyboard and mouse into the RPi and use it like a standard computer.
I had run it on Stretch.
It still requires installing Linux and configuring the software in the terminal which is where the vast majority of the issues have been reported here.

Originally after trying HG on Windows (like racerfern I had issues) I tested on Linux. In the early days there was a Linux installer (no need to enter the terminal)  so I see no reason why this couldn't be recreated if someone wished to do so.
 ::) I do have a executable script which does the whole PiX10Hub install from one single console command, so I may look at turning it into a desktop executable.
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Re: Installing HG in Windows
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2020, 03:26:37 PM »

::) I do have a executable script which does the whole PiX10Hub install from one single console command, so I may look at turning it into a desktop executable.
Wow that was simple. ::) :'
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Re: Installing HG in Windows
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2021, 03:46:58 PM »

Just curious. As stated before, I have several apps that all "play nicely" together on my HA Windows 10 PC (Active Home Pro, ActiveHomeVista, X10 Commander to name a few). In looking at Home Genie software it makes me nervous to hear you have to change drivers as I would hate to lose the use of these programs. Is this a Home Genie specific change or would it confuse my CM15A to load this cause my other programs to quit working? Does anyone have this on app on a PC and have both programs working simultaneously?
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