Alternatively, connect a HDMI monitor and keyboard to the standard Raspberry Pi you want to boot from, pop your Raspberry Pi Zero SD card into that standard Raspberry Pi, power it up and when it finally displays a prompt it will either ask for your username and password (if you previously set one) or it will have boot straight through.
First type sudo apt update and enter. When that has completed type sudo apt upgrade and enter. This process will pull in all the necessary firmware needed to run your Pi X10 hub on a standard Raspberry Pi. When complete turn off your standard raspberry Pi, remove the HDMI cable and keyboard power up your standard raspberry Pi and you're good to go with your Pi X10 hub.
Remember you already provided your wifi credentials on the first run so they will allow your raspberry Pi to connect with your router.
As a rule, a Raspbian image created on a Pi Zero W will boot from a standard Raspberrry Pi released on or before the time the Pi Zero W was released. You may struggle to get it working on a raspberry Pi 3b+ but you could try it.
And remember, backup your SD card before you try this. No moaning if it goes wrong.