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X10 Items for Sale

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Only three items left!

I have three items left that aren't selling.

Would anybody like them for the cost of shipping?

Otherwise, I'm going to toss them.

I don't need them myself.  FWIW, did you make enough from selling these items to make it worth it vs just taking the write-off at goodwill?  I have a huge box of stuff that some will never be used.  I'm sure there's someone that may find it useful (I've seen some X10 stuff at those stores), but not worth my time for $0.99 - ebay fees - paypal fees = ~$0.00...

i start all my auctions at 99c because i don't really care about making profit it's more about getting rid of stuff.

I've had an item once go from 99c to $200. It ended up losing money on shipping though because I estimated wrong.

It's all about finding a box/package for the item before hand and seeing how big it is and how much it weighs when it's all packaged up, that way you don't screw up on shipping costs.

I had to dispose of some specialty car items from my dad's estate.  I did the same with shipping losing money on items.  In that case, these were rare items that I wanted to make sure someone who actually needed it could get it rather than tossing it.  That said, X10 isn't rare so I am not going to spend the time on a remote control with a cork puller... to lose money on shipping.   rofl


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