Although HA-Bridge handles Broadlink sending very well I decided to try doing something from HG.
this mainly came about from my dog constantly going behind the sofa and knocking out the plugged in power supply for the Broadlink RM Pro I have.
one min my IR/RF commands worked from it a few mins later maybe not. I never thought to check this till I had spent hours trouble shooting

I have this Included in the Buster PiX10Hub image along with a Broadlink sender program. However some may wish this that don't have the Buster PiX10Hub image.
There are some other needed steps required to use this.
From the command line interface type
1: apt install python-pip
2: pip install broadlink
3: sudo wget sudo unzip
5: sudo mv python-broadlink-master broadlinkCtl
6: sudo rm -r
Now download and rename the file removing the txt extention(it should look like this 1018-DiscoverBroadlink.hgx ) and install the program in HG
enable it then add to the group you wish it displaying in.
Note: this uses the widget for proper display
This should work with any Broadlink device but I've only used it for the Broadlink RM Pro