I originally bought X10 to control lights in my Home Theater (nearly 20 years ago).
I quickly expanded the automation into my home office (now a man-cave)... then security, and outdoor cameras. I adopted Voice Control using BVC back in 2006-07.... and continued building and growing my X10 setup.
But when the better Hard drive camera recording setups became available I jumped on that... with no regrets. And have been putting off an upgrade of my current system... waiting for it to breakdown.
My X10 Security alarm became too outdated.... with so many options available with the newer systems. So I switched the X10 out there too. My garage door lifter also failed (after nearly 40 years)... and I replaced it with a new unit with the MyQ wifi control.
I have been adding wifi automation since Apple added it to their iphone. Which is also when I bought a Echo device. I was gifted a Homeseer unit, bought an Echo PLUS and.... eventually switched from a BVC (Bill's Voice Control) running on a windows PC controlling everything via a CM15A.... to a WM-100, the Homeseer hub, 5 Echo devices (one is the PLUS hub), a Wink hub, and the MyQ hub. Of course I've also added a wifi [Nest] thermostat... and more.
Although all of my original (basement) X10 is still intact I think I only have 2-3 lights upstairs controlled by X10 modules now. The wifi bulbs are just so easy and convenient.
There are several "types" of automation users. Most people just have a problem they want to solve. Some people enjoy the "control" home automation can provide for the user. I am a "builder" automation user. I enjoy the projects that build the system (bigger and better). Automation is my winter project (every winter). It would be silly for me to do anything that might limit my automation's growth... and my own enjoyment.