Ahp added what ever was required to a security string so A security console could see the cm15a signal. I don't need a extra piece of hardware to do any rf or ir as the broadlink does that for me. I had started to code so Hg could send directly to the broadlink without HA-Bridge but it still needs a bit of work. HA-Bridge is used here for alexa and it works better then the broadlink skill for me. So Im in no hurry to get my HG code tuned in
I'm not suggesting extra hardware or software. I'm suggesting replacing the CM15a with a W800
http://www.wgldesigns.com/w800.html It can do the whole IR/RF thing which effectively means you could do away with the Broadlink device to send and receive RF directly to and from your SC1200 via HomeGenie. Clearly you are making external API calls to HomeGenie using a combination of your Broadlink and the HA Bridge. Why introduce all that unnecessary external overhead when everything can be carried out internally in HomeGenie,
Have you confirmed that you can't scan the RF code from your SC1200 Security Remote into HomeGenie directly. Are you even getting a partial code scan. Since RF Send was introduced into HomeGenie a while back, RF Send works fine here via the CM15 Pro. RF both ways without PL intervention. I know it was mentioned that the CM15a doesn't have the ability to do this but has it actually been tried. If you already have an SC1200 security remote code have you tried to create a Wizard Script to send the code in the format
/HomeAutomation.X10/RF/Control.RfSend/29 98 97 86 79 61 80 . That's my Arm code for the SC9000
On a side note, the network calls from Broadlink are phenomenal. If you are able to monitor the network traffic with your router/firewall you'll see what I mean. If not you can use this very handy utility
https://blog.cryptoaustralia.org.au/instructions-for-setting-up-pi-hole/ and use it as a dedicated Ad Blocker as well. It's output is a real eye opener as to what is arriving at your network's door