Some have a difficult time figuring out how to update HA-Bridge.
HomeGenie has a simple Update check and install buttons but not HA-Bridge at least not yet.
Since It has been some time since HA-Bridge was updated and 5.4.0 is now available I thought it would be helpful to post how to update.
Simply copy and paste the following into the Pi Command line. You can do this from a PC using PuTTy or even from a cell phone:
sudo cd ha-bridge
sudo systemctl stop ha-bridge
sudo mv ha-bridge.jar ha-bridge_old.jar
mv ha-bridge-5.4.0.jar ha-bridge.jar
sudo systemctl start ha-bridge
Rather then repost a how to for each update here's how to do it for future updates.
For example if the next update is
v5.6.0 then you would change every instance in the above of
5.4.0 to
Simple Right?This makes a copy of the current HA-Bridge and names it ha-bridge_old.jar incase your update fails.
Once your sure the update took you can delete ha-bridge_old.jar