HG can access external Python2 or 3 scripts running on the PI directly (start with paramiters and read out the put) . There is no need to switch to Home Assistant to use MQTT,
HG has this! There also is no need for MQTT for the Python scripts I use, although I do have MQTT setup just not for that.
The C+ code for the DHT sensors is unstable, Python is better suited for sensors like these,
this is not a HG thing, though current HG DHT code doesn't work at all.
I had thought of addapting the Python Addafruit DHT library to work in Iron python for HG but why reinvent the wheel.
The Python3 scripts I run will not be affected when/if HG is updated unlike some of my early HG addon program fixes.
I also I have no doubt that users like @bkenobi if needed would have code in place immediately to run things like the DHT sensors by adapting the code that’s already available in HG. Do what works for you!
The email failing to issue has been going on for far to long. I've just noticed my Off grid HG setup is no longer sending emails (had it disabled while there) it may be as simple as changing the password configured (I Hope so).
Guess I should look at my city HG email settup as well