Thanks, and yes I suspect a antenna input issue, I cannot find any shorts. That or something that is failing in the chip.
Reception has decreased over time hence the desire to improve.
I thought the first cap might be bad, since the antenna signal travels first trough that. I grabbed one, value unknown, that had the same footprint, and swap it in. The RF didn't work at all, so I put the original back and it was at least back to working close up.
Another thing I tried was to put down some flux and reflow the solder around the chips 18 pins. Last night that didn't seem to help, but at least like the cap and resistor swaps for testing didn't make things any worse.
I was testing today and the range has improved actually, from inches away to a up to 4 feet using the palm pad remote. It is very directional however, only working at that distance from head on and a 1-2 feet below the location of the cm15a.