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Author Topic: My home automation system MQTT  (Read 1903 times)


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My home automation system MQTT
« on: November 20, 2023, 05:05:13 PM »

Many apologies for my bad English. I completely rebuilt my entire home automation system. I think I'm at my fifth generation in terms of design. For the fourth, see my jlp post a little further down.

I always use the X10 protocol and XTB-IIR. X10 is not dead. However, I rebuilt all my modules from ESP32 and MQTT protocol. I am connected to the HiveMQ broker.

Self-taught, I studied the MQTT protocol and ESP32 programming. It took me several months, but I'm happy with the result. For the moment, I have completed 5 modules.

1. MQTT module for managing my workshop
2. MQTT module for managing my house (temperature, humidity, CO2, etc.)
3. MQTT X10 Server
4. Master server which supervises all modules
5. A small portable measuring device (voltage, temperature, etc.)

All my modules communicate with each other via the MQTT protocol. I can control all my modules using my cell phone and the Virtuino IoT application.

Compared to the 2020 version, the operation of my network is much simpler. The time is continuously updated from the Canadian Research Center's atomic clock.
For each module, I programmed a watchdog which will restart the ESP32 in the event of a crash. Additionally, the master server will notify me of the malfunction, as it continuously pings each module.

Each module is autonomous. They are all connected to the HiveMQ broker, except my portable measuring device which is connected to the ThingSpeak broker.

For the moment, no breakdowns, no crashes. Everything works perfectly. It is still possible to do decent and sophisticated things with X10.

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