I also haven't used AHP since switching to HomeGenie.
My HomeAutomation setup is still manly x10 but control was given to Alexa and different Android apps.
Hardware control is a combination of the wm100, Cm15A, Broadlink Pro, some ESP 32 modules and raspberry Pi.
The forum is full of X10 issues and resolutions and usualy a fix can be found doing a deep dive searching. That's why it is important to post anything that improves the situation even if it doesn't completely resolve the issue.
Software issues maybe a little difficult to nail down and resolve as it is old and hasn't been updated in years and never will be as all the software code was never fully recovered from old failed X10 servers.
Moving to newer OS versions all most always causes problems if the software can't be updated then users must get creative or move to something newer. Some times running old software as an administrator & or in compatibility mode may help.