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Author Topic: CM15A Died after changing a timer setting  (Read 31821 times)


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CM15A Died after changing a timer setting
« on: February 04, 2005, 07:16:42 PM »


My AHP setup had been working quite nicely
for several weeks.

A couple of days ago, I decided to change
the "off" time for one of the lights to be
15 minutes later.  After I made that
change, I found that that particular light
simply never turned off at all.  It turned
on, and the other two lights on timers
continued to turn on and off, but the one
light I changed the off time for simply
stopped turning off.  Also, all the macros
I had set up continued to work just fine.

So, last night I loaded the AHP software to
check and see if I some how screwed
something up with the off time for that
light that was preventing it from turning
off.  Everything looked fine, so I decided
to try clearing the memory and reloading
the Interface unit.

Now the Interface (CM15A) seems to be
completely dead.  No timers work at all.
None of the macros work any more.  I tried
several times to clear it and reload it,
but no luck.  Then I downloaded the newest
version of the AHP software, and tried to
clear and reload again.  Still nothing.

What could have happened?  Is there a
software bug that could cause this?
Or is it a hardware failure in the
Interface unit?

The hardware configuration display shows
that I am only using about 17% of
the memory for my macros and timers.  I
don't think anything I've done is
too terribly complex.  And it was all
working fine for several weeks until
I just made one small change in one timer.
Now it's dead.


X10 Pro

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Re: CM15A Died after changing a timer setting
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2005, 07:26:56 PM »

Rick: I got your e-mail last night and
thought I had already replied. There's a
replacement CM15A on its way to you now.


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Re: CM15A Died after changing a timer setting
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2005, 09:03:27 PM »

good luck rick, they have sent me two of


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Re: CM15A Died after changing a timer setting
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2005, 02:00:16 PM »

X10 Pro,

Yes, I did get your e-mail.  Thank you for
taking care of this.

I guess I still have to wonder if this
isn't more of a software issue than a
hardware failure.  The thing was working
perfectly fine until I changed the "off
time" for one of my timers, and then all of
a sudden the whole thing quits working...?

Seems kind of unlikely that that would
really cause a hardware failure.



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Re: CM15A Died after changing a timer setting
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2005, 07:51:02 PM »

Please look at this email, perhaps it's time
for us to download our files so you can seee
what happens. SOme have problems, some do not.
If you really want to find the problems here
is a way to start.

Fro you sales people"

Thanks for your reply.  I have forced through
the $49.99 credit of the return on order
1855295.  If you are continuing to experience
trouble with your new interface I recommend
you contact  This will
put you in touch with our specialized
activehome pro team to assist with your
issues.  You will also be able to request
shipping labels if prompted to return your
interface.  I apologize for the inconvenience
this has caused so far.  Let me know if you
have any more questions.

Jesse A
X10 Customer Support
Please do not alter the thread number in the
subject line.



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Re: CM15A Died after changing a timer setting
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2005, 01:06:23 PM »

Continued from previous message...

Then I discovered that the two macros for
my living room lights would not work at all
with the new CM15A.

I tried to clear the memory on the new
unit, but it just went on and on for a long
time indicating that it was "downloading"
and then finally came back and said there
was an error with the USB interface.  I
tried several times to clear the unit, but
every time it fails.  I tried loading my
simple two light/two macro configuration to
the new unit, and that worked fine.  Then I
reloaded my normal configuration, and that
still had the same three problems I
described above.  In the mean time, my son
started complaining that the X10 controlled
lights in his bedroom were randomly turning
themselves on.

Finally, I plugged my original CM15A back
in and reloaded the normal configuration.
Now the problem with the one macro for my
entertainment room lights was gone.  Also,
the problem with my son's lights randomly
turning on is gone.  However, the two
macros for my living room lights still
don't work, even though they used to work

At this point, I definitely feel like the
new CM15A is worse than my original one, so
I think I will keep the original unit and
send back the new one.  However, there are
obviously still some problems here.

Unfortunately, I upgraded my AHP software
again, to the 3.179 level (or whatever the
latest level is).  So now I'm not really
sure if the problem with the living room
macros not working any more is because of
the software upgrade or not.

Any ideas?



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Re: CM15A Died after changing a timer setting
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2005, 01:08:34 PM »

Continued from previous message...

Then the new CM15A arrived.  I figured I
might as well give it a shot, even though
my old unit was now working perfectly once
again.  So I hooked up the new unit,
verified all the settings and loaded my

At first it seemed like the new unit was
working fine, too.  But then I noticed some
strange things.  For example, in
my "entertainment room" I have several
macros to set the lights at various levels
of brightness.  Most of them work fine, but
one macro doesn't.  It turns on the first
light and sets it to the correct level.
Then it turns on the second light and sets
it to the correct level.  Then it turns the
second light all the way up and all the way
down.  Then it skips the third light and
goes on to the fourth...  I never had this
problem with the original CM15A.

Continued in next message ...


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Re: CM15A Died after changing a timer setting
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2005, 01:11:27 PM »

While I was waiting for the new CM15A to
arrive, I did some experimenting with the
old, apparently "dead" CM15A.  It would
still function as a transceiver, but no
Macros or Timers would work.  Just for
kicks, I tried starting a "New"
configuration in the AHP software.  I just
added two modules, and set up two macros,
one to turn both lights on, the other to
turn both lights off.

Guess what?  My previously dead CM15A
starting working again with this new
configuration.  Hmmm... now I figured there
must just be something wrong in my previous
configuration that prevented the whole
thing from working.  So I loaded up my
previous configuration, and reloaded the
CM15A... and now EVERYTHING was working
again!  All my macros worked, all my timers
worked, and I was happy again, thinking
that I found a cure for this problem!

Continued in next message...

(note: it would be nice if the web page
would indicate how long a message can be
and give some warning if a message is too
long...  instead of just letting you sit
there clicking the "Submit" button and not
doing anything!)
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