This my set up and solved all my problems.
Thanks to X10 pro , to remind me that RR501
transceiver have collision detection I
retired the 751 and replaced with RR501, I
have 2 of them , that is good for 32
motions detector( I remove the photocell).
My 1132CUP is working flawless, so no more
problems and do not need to spend extra
money, hopefully X10 refund my money for
the CM15a + smart macros and I will be a
very happy camper.
I was caught in all the excitement that I
did not realize that the 1132CU has all the
features I want (no battery to
replace,hardware clock, large external non
volatile memory, etc) , the only thing
missing is RF transceiver , well here is
the math:
CM15a + smart macros = $100, if you want
reliable RF range add external transceiver
1132CUP ( controller with smart macros) =
$99.99, add external transceiver and you
have the perfect low cost system.