I did the modification outlined on the web
Definitely dealing with very small parts.
One thing worth mentioning is that the
schematic at:
http://www.laureanno.com/WS467-2.PDF is a
bit different than the actual "as built"
switch, and pin numbers #3 through #9 as
listed on the schematic are in the wrong
sequence. Also, the schematic lists the
ground wire as yellow, mine is blue. Maybe
it had to do with the fact that my wall
switch is a Pro model# PLW01 (Ivory). In
any case, pin#9 is directly accross pin#10.
I also found it easier to use a #74 (.0225")
drill bit to enlarge the #9 pin hole on the
circuit board. Then I inserted the Resister
in the #9 pin hole and soldered it easily. I
decided to insulate the entire resister with
heat-shrink tubing so that there was no
possible way the resister would make contact
with anything else. Soldered the other end
to ground (pin #18) and started the re-
assembling and re-installation. I finished
in about an hour. Verified that the light
and wall switch was still working fine.
I finished yesterday at about 4:00 PM, and
as of this posting the light has NOT come
on!! The modification works GREAT!
Thanks to everyone for helping me and
providing me with the valuable links!!
By the way....David L, I tried the soldering
iron trigger trick you told about, but
nothing happened. In any case, I would
recommend you try the mod, you won't be
sorry. Thanks again!