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Author Topic: how to use flags  (Read 73807 times)


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Re: how to use flags
« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2007, 05:47:15 PM »

I must be getting older, faster than I think.  ::)

I have climbed all over this community and I'm not getting it!  :(

I'm using a few really old pir's (motion sensors). the idea is to have cameras follow me...
I have macros that turn all cameras off, except where motion is....
They flip pretty fast!  :)

What I cannot seem to do is set a flag to not re-run every time there is motion...
I think I set to 4 minute delay (the pir's). But everytime I move, it re-triggers.
I am setting Flags on... 1 unique flag per camera. Clearing of course @ off (in the same macro - 1 per camera), no delay...
My assumption is the flag won't clear until the pir times out.. I now suspect that is not true...
The condition is pir on + flag set, so the theory (as I understand it) is the macro shouldn't re-run.
Maybe there is something to phantom macros I don't understand?

I'm attempting to use as Skype web cams with audio... it's working, as long as I don't move  :P
additionally, I'm doubling up BXVC with the low end cameras... Yes, the cameras work fine as audio input...

if I move, skype of course loses a/v as the macro fires...

I'm NOT using phantoms... calling the cameras directly...
any directions to look so I can keep what is left of my mind?

TIA -- maybe I will get some sleep with a little suggestion.


-Bill- (of

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Re: how to use flags
« Reply #16 on: April 29, 2007, 07:02:57 PM »


My suggestion would be to re-think the logic.   ;)

You don't want the cameras to switch every time motion is detected.  You want them to switch when motion is detected in a new area!

Something like:
"I see motion!"
"Is my camera on?"
   "Yes, it is, so I don't have to do anything more."
   "No, it isn't, so I switch to my camera."

Pardon the pseudo-code, but I'm sure you get the idea.   ;D
« Last Edit: April 29, 2007, 07:05:22 PM by -Bill- (of BXVC) »
-Bill- (of

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Re: how to use flags
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2007, 09:32:28 PM »

I use dummy/phantom modules as well as flags but that for another thread. Heres a simple example of a flag I use to tell my system that I'm working day shift anything which would run during the day if I'm home checks to see if the flag is setor cleared first.Also I can have macro wich will only run if I'm at work by checking to see if this flag is set or not. Macro is triggered by a motion sensor  and has limitations eg: if my wife gets up at this time for some unknow reason!
but for the most part it works flawlessly ;) :D Note: the flag iscleared every night with a timer instead of at the end of the week incase of a false set.

Hi Tuice! could you give me a hand with setting up a flag I'm trying to setup here's my current macro. Now I really only want to run this maco at certain times like if I'm taking the dog out I don't necessarily want the lights to brighten really want this macro to help deter crime two years ago someone walked on my porch and kicked the door in had a protector plus with a bunch of those large powerhorns and a aftermarket siren so the ^%$%^ got nothing zip! but that's another story want I would like to do is be able to turn this macro off and on without using the computer I was thinking I could use a flag with a trigger like C10 if C10 is on then the macro would proceed if not then it wouldn't run could you or someone walk me through how I could add a flag to this macro accomplish this. Thanks!!

Tom j

Trigger Conditions D4 on
and it's Nighttime
End trigger Conditions

Brigthen Porch Lights by 35%
Wait 10 Minutes
Dim Porch Lights By -35%


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Re: how to use flags
« Reply #18 on: May 14, 2007, 01:48:18 PM »

tom j Problem your having is macros can only use 3 conditions and you've used them!
Here's the work around:
    [li]Create a dummy module C 10[/li]
    [li]Create a macro that uses the dummy  "On" to set a flag (3), trigger it with a timer (some time after dark)[/li]
    [li]Create another macro that  uses the dummy  "Off" to clear the flag, trigger it with a timer(when it is no longer night time)[/li]
    [li]Now replace the night time condition in your macro with if flag 3 is on  [/li]

    [/list]Now if you wish to walk the dog press C10 Off (this clears the flag) your macro won't fire,when you come home press C10 On (this resets the flag). ;) :D
    1 problem if you walk the dog before timer triggers c10 and come home after it has set the flag then your lights will brighten! ::) ;)
    I'm sure Puck had posted an example similar to this but I can't seem to find it! ::) ???
    « Last Edit: May 14, 2007, 01:52:46 PM by Tuicemen »
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    Re: how to use flags
    « Reply #19 on: June 28, 2009, 06:09:13 PM »

    Sorry to bump an old thread. Newbie here and I didn't realize that the smart macros wasn't part of AHP software package. I just have 2 questions.
    1. If/can I order just that plug-in for my existing AHP software and how much is it? The web site for ordering is kind of a nightmare.
    2. The description for smart macros and the pdf file I downloaded is very basic. I program custom software for fire alarm systems so logic functions are 2nd nature to me but is this package going to let me do all that I can or is it just a step up from the simple version installed in AHP? Is there anyway to use negated triggers inputs/latch functions and can you use other macros as inputs for new macros? Thanks for any reply.
    « Last Edit: June 28, 2009, 06:17:53 PM by MANOWARİ »
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    steven r

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    Re: how to use flags
    « Reply #20 on: June 28, 2009, 08:52:43 PM »

    ...I didn't realize that the smart macros wasn't part of AHP software package...
    It wasn't in the original package but I believe it has been included in the current package for some time now.

    ...I program custom software for fire alarm systems so logic functions are 2nd nature to me...
    Being an experienced programmer can actually be a handicap to using AHP since AHP has it's own set of quirks "required programming tricks" to get things done the way you would "logically" expect them to work. e.g. Betweens that cross the bewitching hour of midnight. this package going to let me do all that I can or is it just a step up from the simple version installed in AHP?...
    One thing I think is frustrating is that all logical decisions must be made before a macro starts. i.e. No branching from or in a macro. Also once a macro starts, there is no way to stop it's execution from software. All macros that start must complete.

    While it may not do everything you'd like it to do, it is a big step from "the simple version". It can do a lot and is worth having. In addition, the X10 user base here has figured out how to some things with it that X10 never considered to be possible such as macros calling macros.

    ...Is there anyway to use negated triggers inputs/latch functions and can you use other macros as inputs for new macros?...
    Sort of. Check out these User-Designed Working Macros for some ideas.
    « Last Edit: June 28, 2009, 09:02:01 PM by steven r »
    BVC let's me tell my camera where to go!
    :) Murphy is my beta testing pal. He helps me find problems whether I like it or not. :)


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    Re: how to use flags
    « Reply #21 on: June 28, 2009, 09:18:40 PM »

    Thanks for the quick reply. I just got the system Saturday so I'm still playing and learning. I think before I go any farther I'm going to order all the parts I think I may need then do some kind of floor plan/mapping routine to set it up most effectively. I've already found the iPhone App and love it. I think I'll read a lot more posts in the mean time. Thanks again for the answers. This seems like a great resource so far. :)%
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    Re: how to use flags
    « Reply #22 on: January 14, 2010, 01:00:16 AM »

    How are the house codes and flags used together? Is the flag set at the same time the house code is used? I am using house codes A to E however my eagleeye sensors do not operate all house codes. I am trying to set a flag to tell my bedroom sensor to turn off all lights only if the livingroom sensor is not active.

    Livingroom sensor = C1  -  detects motion
    Bedroom Sensor    = D10 - operates between 1am and 5:30am with a 40sec delay to turn off livingroom lights

    both sensors and macros are the same code and number

    If no one is in the livingroom and C1 has shut off, the bedroom door opens or closes, all livingroom lights should go off.

    How do I distinguish between setting a flag for C1 while using D10 sensor?

    thanks, Chris


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    Re: how to use flags
    « Reply #23 on: January 31, 2011, 08:11:06 AM »

    Just a thought based on comments here re. flags and a common theme of many issues/problems  read on virtually every part of the forum...someone could make a mint writing an X10 for dummies book?  -:)
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