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Author Topic: Anyone have this yet?  (Read 68404 times)

dave m.

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Re: Anyone have this yet?
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2005, 12:26:08 AM »

I got my software on friday too- haven't
received the hardware yet (ordered only 2
days ago)  but with the VA11A (video to USB
adapter) and cameras I had from previous
orders I was able to get it up and running
in a 1/2 hour-  haven't worked with the
macros yet but the iwitness software seems
to have integrated nicely with AHP (no
problems introduced after the iwitness
download) Thanks x10 & the helpful people
on these Boards.  Re: x10 cameras - they DO
give decent resolution on minimized windows
(I use infrared leds to gain
some "brightness"  in low light conditions)
if you want to view images (full screen)
you may want to consider hard wired higher
resolution cameras and different lens
options. I'll bet the Vanguard VK77A should
please anyone!


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Re: Anyone have this yet?
« Reply #16 on: April 03, 2005, 11:37:54 AM »

Dave M,

You said (I use infrared leds to gain
some "brightness" in low light conditions).
Could you tell us more about this. How much
do the leds help? What kind of range do
they have? Where can one obtain them?
Sorry for so many questions but I  am
looking for a way to monitor the 2 year old
grandsons room at night when he stays over.
_ _ ...  ..._ _

dave m.

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Re: Anyone have this yet?
« Reply #17 on: April 04, 2005, 12:35:37 AM »

CCD (charge coupled device) cameras are
sensitive to light in the infrared range.
you can use use infrared leds
to "illuminate" and (because that part of
the light spectrum is invisible to the
naked eye - your child will never be
disturbed.) You can find infrared Leds at
radio shack (but I suggest mail order
companies like jameco or digi-key,
mouser..etc. (cheaper in bulk)   the leds
can be grouped together and wired in series
to accomodate any voltage (typically around
2 volts each)  and groups of those can be
paralled to increase output. (two parallel
groups of 6 series wired Leds) can
illuminate 6-8 feet distance easily... some
commercial units have even MORE leds for
greater distances..  be careful to keep the
illumination source behind the camera, as
those led's will swamp the camera with TOO
much light if shined directly at the lens
(blooming) give me some idea of what camera
you are using and the distance you would
like and i'll "draw it up" for you.

dave m.

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Re: Anyone have this yet?
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2005, 12:45:34 AM »

Jim, I forgot to mention that the leds also
require current limiting resistors..but the
actual values will depend on the led specs-
supply voltage- the number of leds and how
they are configured....


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Re: Anyone have this yet?
« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2005, 08:40:38 PM »

Dave M,

Thanks for the information. I have worked
with diodes before but never the IR type. I
will have to give it a try.  6 feet should
be adequate and the camera that I currently
have available is the HC18A. This is not
one of the low light ones but if it will
not work I will get one of the low light

Thanks again Dave
_ _ ...  ..._ _


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Re: Anyone have this yet?
« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2005, 08:56:47 PM »


Here's one commercial solution:

I don't have one, don't know if wavelength
is appropriate to X10 cams, don't know if
the price includes a power supply.
Close cover before striking.
Look both ways before crossing.

dave m.

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Re: Anyone have this yet?
« Reply #21 on: April 05, 2005, 01:49:22 AM »

Hi Jim,
Kent posted a commercially made IR light
source. From experience, this may be a case
of overkill for your application though..
as far as wavelength the cameras don't
appear to be too selective and will respond
to most anything in the infrared spectrum.
I suggest you get a diode or two and
experiment if you are up to will
at least see how the camera responds.. my
addy is if you want me to
draw something out for you.


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Re: Anyone have this yet?
« Reply #22 on: April 05, 2005, 07:29:31 AM »


Thanks for the link. This is an interesting
_ _ ...  ..._ _

dave m.

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Re: Anyone have this yet?
« Reply #23 on: April 05, 2005, 04:58:39 PM »

that IR light source should be fine with
any of the cameras. I think for the
distance needed by Jim (6 feet) a dozen
bulbs would be more then bright enough..
I'm sure other readers would be interested
in that link for longer outdoor
(you like to close with old sayings...!!
here's my Grandma's favorite- " Careful,
you'll poke an eye out!"


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Re: Anyone have this yet?
« Reply #24 on: April 06, 2005, 11:33:40 AM »

Dave M.

Thanks for the info.  At the risk of going
further off topic, do you have any ideras or
experience with ir leds and the X10 motion
detectors?  I've wondered if they could be
used as break-the-beam type with any success.

dave m.

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Re: Anyone have this yet?
« Reply #25 on: April 06, 2005, 02:35:22 PM »

My main concerns with using the motion
detectors as a "break beam" type announcing
device is the slow recovery time until
it "resets" (1st person sets it off and
next few get past it until it resets)and
the fact that it "sees" a much wider area
then you might want.  if you want to use IR
for a break beam then use a ready made door
announciator (narrow beamwidth). If you
want to build....use an IR led (with
collimating lens) with a separate IR
phototransistor or IR detection module
(both parts are available at "parts stores"
(Radio shack also has inexpensive books
with IR circuits for experimenters.)
These make fun projects if you are so
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