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Author Topic: iWitness Plugin issues  (Read 8316 times)


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iWitness Plugin issues
« on: January 24, 2006, 02:11:50 PM »

Let's face it..  The iWitness plug-in
simply does not work, x10's responsiveness
to the issues is horrible and tech support
has their hands tied and cannot even help.
If you cannot reliably record video, the
auto stills function does not work, and the
snapshot option works, but not within a
macro, it is absolutely useless as those
are the things you WOULD use this plug-in
for.  I'm actually surprised when any of
these funceions actually DO work as it
seems to be a once a week occurrence (or
less frequent).

I have demanded (and finally received) a
refund for my iWitness and suggest you all
do the same in order for X10 to take these
issues seriously!  I've been a long time
user of X10 products and love what can be
done with X10 (when it works), but if it
wasn't for the slick advertising, etc, X10
as a company would be out of business!



  • Newbie
  • Helpful Post Rating: 0
  • Posts: 5
Re: iWitness Plugin issues
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2006, 05:16:47 PM »

I too have been having numerous problems
since installing iWitness, same as what
you're reported.  Past requests for
assistace to X10 went unanswered, so I gave
up on the plugin and went back to VCR and
the VCR Commander.  Hoping that future
updates to the iWitness module fix the
issue.  Untill then, I've wasted enough of
my time and patience trying to get it to work
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