I an new to x10 - I just bought 4 flood cams with AHP suite. 2 flood cams are installed and are working fine - the other two are being tested in house prior to installation - seems to be working fine - I had seen lots of negative reviews on flood cams and x10 stuff in general but most seem to be old and outdated - so I think x10 must have listened to customer feedback and fixed the bugs..
I still have two issues with AHP - dealing with remote log in....
1. Thanks to this forum and links - I learned some tricks and i was able to change the my router setting to enable remote logging from internet from home- using my laptop was able to log in to my mother computer (one with with AHP and the stuff) but the live video transmission was very very slow - perhaps due to wireless / dsl limitations? any suggestion to improve video transmissions will be appreciated.
2. From my work computer (behind a corporate fire wall) i am able connect to the myhouse service at x10 - but then can't connect to my AHP on my home computer. Since I am using computer at work which has windows firewall disabled by corporate IT - I can't fool with any ports etc. Does anyone else have similar problems? any solutions / suggestions ?
I just bought the AHP with 4 flood cams and was hoping to be able to monitor my home from work...... so far success.