Humm, I would gladly pay the additional
cost for the conditional macros. However, I
do learn from past experiences. I finally
had to abandon Pro for my old, somewhat
reliable CM11A, which I’ve had in my house
for about 5 years now. After doing a
tremendous amount of troubleshooting and e-
mail notification to X-10(with only one
reply “upgrade”) about the Pro, I finally
came to the conclusion that they must
operate like the controls company I work for
(note name exclusion) and farm the code out
to Canada or India. I troubleshoot that
krap, I mean code to make it work, or
abandon it completely and re-write it. I
then come home and have to troubleshoot Pro
for X-10 and just get further frustration.
So for the time being, my CM11A works fine
and when the major bugs are worked out of
the base Pro version, and I see minimal
complaints about the Smart Macros, I will
cough up the $50 to X-10 for the additional
features so I will be able to do in
software what I’m currently doing in
hardware and give it a chance. But for now,
the Pro is sitting on my floor and my cat
plays with on rare occasions. Be nice