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Author Topic: What sets the flags?  (Read 8461 times)

jim lytle

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What sets the flags?
« on: February 06, 2005, 10:17:25 AM »

Thanks for the response about module status
Steve L.

Here's another question.

What events set flags?  I know there's a
command to set or clear selected flags in
an intelligent macro, but I find that after
I've cleared the flags, using the "Clear
Flags" command in a test macro, some of
them appear to set by themselves from time
to time.  From limited observation, it
seems that flags 1 and 15 are the ones that
set themselves. Is there some event or
series of events that set these?

I'd like to use flags in an intelligent
macro, but I hesitate doing so until I
fully understand what events set them.

steve l.

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Re: What sets the flags?
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2005, 09:13:39 PM »

I think X10 Pro covered this once (I wish
we had a search function in the forum) and
it really should be covered in the
documentation, but I think at least flag 1
and at least flag 15 are used for things
like dusk/dawn and something else, I
haven't used all that many flags yet, but I
started in the middle of the range and have
been working slowly outwards.  Just using
6, 7, 8, and 9 at present.  I'd like a
clarification on the flags used internally
from x10 pro or an old hat for my
informational purposes as well.

steve l.

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Re: What sets the flags?
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2005, 09:19:01 PM »

Found a post that seems to cover this flag
topic fairly well:

"Donald McMow  1/9/2005 07:01 AM
Flags are either set (1) or reset (0) You
can only test to see if they are on(1) or
off(0). They are maintained until you
change their status or a power
interruption. There maybe other events
(ie:  new version of AHP) that could cause
problems with changing flag status. Use
Flags 15-16 with caution as they are used
internally by dawn/dusk timers. Flag 1 has
been reported to be used by AHP to check
the status of uploads to the CM15A. You
use  flags as a condition to running a
macro.  You could set it up so that if a
motion  sensor is triggered and you are
home, a  chime module is sounded otherwise
the  bedroom light is turned on."

So until I hear otherwise, I'm not using 1,
15, or 16 without some long term testing on
something that won't cause the Wife
Approval Factor to take a nose dive.

jim lytle

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Re: What sets the flags?
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2005, 03:32:10 AM »

Thanks Steve.

I share your view about the desirability of
a search function on this forum.  I've
spent quite a bit of time going through the
various posts since I got my CM15a and it
has answered many of my questions. And, I
might add, caused me considerable concern
about the stability of the AHP software.
I've had a few problems which seem to have
been addressed by the various upgrades, but
still get occasional unexpected results.

I've had v 3.179 crash once while
programming a conditional macro.  It just
locked up and kept giving me error messages
after I stored the macro.

After going throught the laborious process
of downloading the software again, then
downloading the upgrades to 3.179, I found
I still had the same problem -- software
locked up and error messages.

I deleted the data file with all my timers
and macros, then reprogrammed all of them
from scratch -- no trivial task as I have
about 25 modules with timers and half a
dozen sensors and had forgotten how I
implemented some of the macros I had. This
solved the problem. From now on I'm going
to back up the data file from time to time
as I continue to expand it.

Anyway, everything seems to be working now,
but I'm very wary. I'm sure the software is
still laden with bugs just waiting for the
right combination of circumstances to rear
their ugly heads. I'll back up my data file
from time to time for sure.      
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