Mike: It was not my intention to be cavalier
about the documentation of this flag usage.
It's not currently documented and it needs to
be. My main point, however, was that we
should provide a label inside the program UI,
not just a write up in the Help file or
somewhere else. I'll see to it that we do that.
To answer your questions:
1) This does not apply to timers that use
Dusk/Dawn, only conditional macros.
2) Because of the way the logic to test for
night time and day time works, it requires
two of the condition slots in the macro.
3) There isn't a single test that you can do
inside the interface to determine day or
night. Two flags are required for this to work.
Steven R:
You can build the macro as you are doing now,
but instead of clicking on the "Run Macro"
button in the interface to get it to take
effect, just use a remote control to trigger
the macro.