Hey, Give them time - they are having
enough of a problem getting the system to
work the way people want it to work. Things
have not been going the way that they
wanted them to. You have to get the basic
bottom interface program working properly
with all of the computer/operating systems
and other peripheral programs and
components that are available. People seem
to forget that - they want everything to
work 100% with their system and to hell
with everybody else. Well it you make
things work with one combination, things
might not work with another.
If you start introducing other components
into the mix, a bug in the new plugin might
cause problems in the base system and if
the base system is not bug free then you
end up trying to debug both programs
instead of just the section with the bug in
it. At least if the base is bug free, you
know where to look for the bugs. after all
look at what MICROSOFT has had to do for
WINDOWS XP - look at all of the updates
since the release date. Things might work
initially but ...... BUGS DO OCCUR. And
they have to be solved first!