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Author Topic: Dims not transmitted as programmed.  (Read 3224 times)

Charles Sullivan

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    • HEYU - X10 Automation for Linux, Unix, and Mac OSX
Dims not transmitted as programmed.
« on: March 07, 2005, 09:56:00 PM »

The number of dims actually transmitted
differs from those programmed in a downloaded
macro.  The difference is not large - only
about 4 percent.

To observe this requires a second interface
on a separate computer, either a CM15A or
CM11A and/or an RMS digital voltmeter across
the output of a lamp module.

Steps to reproduce:
1. File > New
2. Drag in a LM465 Lamp Module as unit A1
and Set Absolute 90%.
3. Create new macro B1 ON and drag in the
above lamp module.
4. Tools > Download Timers and Macros
5. Using Notepad, open file ahpeeprom_w.txt
and observe that the programmed dim is 10% =
5. In Room view, click module to OFF.
6. Click Run Macro button.
7. In remote monitor, received dims are shown
as 10% or 23 dims.
8. Again click module to OFF.
9. Trigger the macro by sending a B1 ON
signal from a push-button controller.
10. In remote monitor, received dims are
shown as 5% or 12 dims.

A more extensive test showed that the number
of transmitted dims differs from that
indicated in the ahpeeprom_w.txt file by 8 or
9 out of 210 over the entire range of
dimming.  Measurements with an RMS digital
voltmeter confirm that the observed
difference is not an artifact of the remote

The discrepancy between programmed and
transmitted dims was originally noticed with
an original CM15A (vintage Oct 2004), and
confirmed with the "diagnostic" model CM15A
running with AHP 3.180 under Windows XP Pro

Yesterday it worked.
Today it doesn't work.
X10 on Windows is like that.

HEYU - X10 Automation for Linux, Unix, and Mac OS X


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  • Roger H.
Re: Dims not transmitted as programmed.
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2005, 11:07:55 AM »

Using dim and bright commands to set an
absolute brightness almost requires a bit
of voodoo magic.  Lamp modules are a little
bit peculiar in the way they react to
bright and dim commands.  If you send two
contiguous dim commands the module will dim
by one full step (about 1/16th in
brightness).  If the dim commands are not
contiguous the module will dim by an almost
imperceptible amount (I have read
conflicting reports about how much this
actually is).  I presume this is to allow
the lamp to be rapidly dimmed (only about 4
dim commands can be sent per second) while
still allowing fine control of the

To set an absolute brightness you have to
send contiguous dim commands until you are
close to the desired level and then start
sending non-contiguous dim commands until
the exact brightness is reached.  Obviously
all of this goes away if you use a module
that supports the preset dim command.

X10 Pro

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Re: Dims not transmitted as programmed.
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2005, 01:40:28 PM »

Charles Sullivan: We'll take a look a this.
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