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Author Topic: vcr commander II records but wont stop  (Read 3316 times)


  • Newbie
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vcr commander II records but wont stop
« on: March 06, 2005, 05:15:28 PM »

Hi all,
I had some problems getting my VCR commander
II to work at all then after receiving the
correct instructions on this forum, I got it
to record but wont stop. It does learn the
stop function without timing out but wont
implement it. I have the whole setup within
10 feet so distance is not a factor. Here
are the instructions that I followed and
ideas are appreciated

Unplug IR cable/(1)press & hold power
button on commander until solid (flashes 13
times).(2)Press & hold record until solid
(release)(3)Press & release record (flashes
8 times then solid)(4)Press record on
remote  (hold close to eye on back of
commander)(5)  When it learns record it will
flash off &  then back to solid.(6)Press &
release stop  (flashes 8 times then solid)(7)
Press stop on  remote while holding to eye
on back of  commander.(8)It will flash off &
then solid  when it learns function.(9)Wait
until light  goes out(10 secs. or more) /
Learn Motion  Sensor(1)Press & hold play
until solid.(2)  Wave hand in front of
motion sensor. / Plug  in IR emitter & place
1 emitter on VCR IR  imput.Press & release
stop.If light on  commander is out - it is
in wrong mode.  Switch mode by pressing &
holding stop until  becomes solid, then
release. It should now  be ready.


  • Newbie
  • Helpful Post Rating: 0
  • Posts: 4
Re: vcr commander II records but wont stop
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2005, 10:07:07 AM »

I had the same problem.  It seems the VCR
Commander (II) sometimes learns the VCR IR
commands incorrectly.  It learned the record
command okay but messed up the stop
command.  I deleted all IR commands and did
the learn IR commands completely again.  If
you have new batteries in your VCR remote
try holding it further away from the VCR
Commander's IR receiver (10 cm for example).

Make sure that the VCR commander has
actually tried to stop recording.  The VCR
Commander's flashing LED should go back to
the slower 1.6 second flash rate after 5
minutes of no motion detected.  While
recording the LED flashes faster.
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