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Author Topic: Wireless Receiver  (Read 5554 times)


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Wireless Receiver
« on: April 30, 2005, 11:39:48 PM »

Ideas are in need.

Is there a way to enhance the singal or to
enhance the Wireless Receiver to pick up mre
than one Signal.

I have four (4) camera an the garge camera
is pointing from the outside to in the house
and I can Receive that signal great from
anywhere in the house. I can barley Receive
the other ones even if it is in the next
room (10) feet away. It looks like to me
that the wireless Receiving unit was
originally designed for one camera operation.

would like to get all cameras working so I
can get on with my next project. (Security).

I have 3 color instant on with wide eye.
1 Flood cam.
1 2.4 wireless Video Receiver (VR36A) video

ActiveHome Pro with the iWitness module. Etc.



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Re: Wireless Receiver
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2005, 01:54:35 PM »

The cameras are designed to only broadcast
one camera at a time.  If the receiver
receives more than one image it combines
them to a jumbled mess.

That is why the remotes first turn off the
camera that is on before turning on the new
one selected.

Also, the software that shows four screens
at once takes single frames in fast
succession by turning on one camera at a
time in rotation.

We have more than 10 cameras and they all
work fine as long as you only set one on at
a time.

If you have only 4 cameras make sure you
keep the IDs (1 through 4) or (5 through
8), unless you bought the director remote
that goes beyond the 4 camera limit.  
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