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Author Topic: Wireless Cam mounted on person?  (Read 3066 times)

rob r

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Wireless Cam mounted on person?
« on: May 22, 2005, 01:21:32 PM »

I'd like to attach a wireless camera (color
prefered, but B&W OK) to a person, to
discretely transmit video to a nearby
recorder.  The application is for 1st person
perspective as a performer on stage.

My experience with the X10 cameras
w/wireless transmitter is that the signal
vanishes if the transmitter is directed away
from the receiver (which could happen during
live performance).

Anyone have any suggestions?


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Re: Wireless Cam mounted on person?
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2005, 07:05:00 PM »

You could run the cam with batteries or an
adapter with plenty of headphone extension
cords.  Try to solve the problem of signal
degradation by pointing both antennas
straight up.  This helps with multiple
camera setups when it is impossible to get
all ants pointed at each other.  I doubt it
will work if you are constantly moving, but
if you put the reciever as close as you can
to the transmitter say, under the center of
the stage, you may have a chance.  Then
point the cameras ant. straight down.  There
is a cable of unknown conductors connecting
the base of the camera to the antenna.  If
you could splice and extend this wire
without the performer tripping over it,
maybe you can keep the antenna stable while
still moving the camera.
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