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Author Topic: different zones  (Read 17749 times)


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different zones
« on: June 10, 2004, 12:09:10 AM »

can I set up independent zones? For
instance, arm or disarm my garage without
affecting the house status. Can I set a zone
up to have a seperate code that cannot be
disarmed with other codes. Is there a
keychain remote that can learn other system
codes, or that is compatible with rotating
code devices.  


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Re: different zones
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2004, 12:55:46 AM »

I'm not sure if this helps, but its an
idea. We have three x10 bases at our house
for different areas
(inside,outside,backyard). Unfortunately,
they are all on different house codes for
that purpose. But with the mentioned page,
you might just get a small plug in siren
and small remote to arm/disarm set at a
differnt house code. Sorry not much help.


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Re: different zones
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2004, 02:43:20 AM »

can I set up independent zones?

For instance, arm or disarm my garage
without affecting the house status. Can I
set a zone up to have a seperate code that
cannot be disarmed with other codes?

Sorry but no can do.  X10 DS7000 does not
use any passcode to arm and disarm the
system.  It's made for simple use and only
to be armed and disarmed with either a
keychain remote or the light controller
remote. Once you arm the system all sensors
are armed unless they are bypassed.
(meaning if a door is left open)

Is there a keychain remote that can learn
other system codes, or that is compatible
with rotating code devices.

To answer that question directly Yes, but
when you press arm or whatever you are
arming all the systems.  You can program
the remote to how ever many base systems
you want but that does not make any since.

The DS7000 is a great basic home security
system, you are looking for more of a
sophisticated system that can arm certain
zone/s and leave the other zone/s disarmed.
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